Escape from a hospital room in this poignant puzzle game! Your childhood friend, Saki, has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and has only three months to live. Upon visiting her hospital room, you discover she's gone, leaving behind only a farewell note. To escape the room and perhaps uncover more, you must solve puzzles using items found within.
She has been told that she only has 3 months left to live...
- prologue –
For many years, my childhood friend Saki has been in and out of the hospital with an incurable illness.
Recently, that illness has gotten worse, and Saki has been told that she only has 3 months left to live.
My heart heavy with a complicated mix of feelings, I go to Saki's hospital room and find that she is nowhere to be seen, and that she has left a farewell note on the bed...!
Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening the door. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and use those items in solving puzzles.
The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and you can also flick when you need to move about the room.
[compatible devices]
Xperia acro HD(IS12S)
GALAXY Note2(SC-02E)
We cannot guarantee that the apps will work on any model for which proper functioning has not been confirmed.
This emotional puzzle game offers a unique blend of mystery and escape room challenges. Simple controls and a touching narrative create a memorable experience. Solve the puzzles, escape the room, and perhaps find a little closure along the way.
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